Mission & Vision
Entheo Community brings together individuals and organizes communities to further the safe religious exercise with our sacraments, for the benefit of all.
We envision a reality whereby all who are guided to practice communion with our sacraments are able to do so safely and within their means. [View the more detailed vision]
We believe in the existence of a transcendent and divine presence that is the source of, and is manifest in, all that exists in the physical and nonphysical world. It cannot be named, though we use terms such as God, Source, Creator, Spirit, or Universe to relate to those aspects.
This divine presence unconditionally loves us and guides us toward that which is in greatest alignment with our highest purpose. Listening to and aligning ourselves with this divine guidance brings us great joy and wellbeing.
We believe that divine guidance comes in various ways through our physical and nonphysical senses. We learn to perceive this guidance more deeply and accurately through regular and intentional awareness practice. As we develop our awareness, we receive and understand our divine guidance more clearly.
We believe that the most effective way to cultivate awareness is through sacrament. Our purpose in this practice with sacrament is always to cultivate the most joy and wellbeing possible for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Our sacraments are the practices by which we alter the consciousness or mind in order to achieve a deeper awareness of, and unique perspective on, our true nature. Specifically, these practices are: (1) nature immersion, (2) communion with entheogens and other mind-altering substances, and (3) other consciousness-altering modalities such as meditation, music and dance.Â
As with any practice, our sacraments are only for those who feel called to them; and we do not attempt to convince anyone of our beliefs or practices. Even those who choose to practice with our sacraments may also choose to stop doing so at any point, just as followers of any tradition or modality may choose to stop when they feel they have outgrown their need for that practice.
However, for those of us who are seeking these practices, they are an essential part of our ability to connect with our highest divine guidance, and we enthusiastically claim and exercise our inherent birthright to explore our consciousness in these ways for as long as we feel called.
We aim to foster safe and effective practice through a careful intake process, mandatory education, structured guidance, and a strong and supportive community.
Entheo Community is a private unincorporated church and is not affiliated with any political interests. We are a non-profit faith-based organization supported by our members for the benefit of all.